About Us
The Canadian Federation of Mental Health Nurses (CFMHN) is a national voice for psychiatric and mental health (PMH) nursing in Canada. It is a member of the Canadian Nurses’ Association (CNA), Canadian Network of Nursing Specialties for which it provides expertise for the specialty in matters relating to mental health nursing.
Our Mission
Provide a national forum for nurses with an interest in mental health to learn, grow, unite, and influence health policy and decision makers to make a sustainable positive change in the mental health for all.
Our Vision
Mental Health Care is an integral part of every nurses’ practice.
Our Values
Equity, Diversity, Inclusivity
Our Story
CFMHN’s membership of nurses of all nursing designations (RN, RPN, NP) work in a variety of settings that provide mental health nursing intervention to individuals, families, and communities.
CFMHN’s primary objectives are to assure national leadership in the development and application of nursing standards that inform and affect psychiatric and mental health nursing practice; examine and influence government policy, and address national issues related to mental health and mental illness; communicate and collaborate with national and international groups that share professional interests; and, facilitate excellence in psychiatric and mental health nursing by providing members with educational and networking resources and opportunities.
Part of the Federation’s aim to advance PMH nursing in Canada involves a strategic communications strategy comprised of an interactive website, quarterly newsletter, networking opportunities, and involvement at conferences and on national committees such as the Canadian Alliance on Mental Illness and Mental Health (CAMIMH) and Canada’s Mental Health Commission.
The CFMHN hosts a national conference every other year providing opportunity for PMH nurses to come together from across Canada, sharing news, updates, research, experience, and a wealth of knowledge over several days of conferencing and networking.
The Federation was formed in 1988 and pioneered national credentialing in PMH nursing. It achieved CNA certification status seven years later. As a result of the Federation’s efforts, nurses across the country can quality for the national psychiatric and mental health nursing credential; and, nurses with certification are eligible to use the CPMHN(C) designation after their names and wear the official CNA certification pin — a sign of professional achievement.
The PMH CNA certification exam has a high number of completers. CFMHN advocates for core competencies in undergraduate programs that promote the inclusion of mental health education in basic nursing education.
CFMHN’s National Office is located in Fredericton, NB. The Board of Directors has representatives from each province and territory. Regular board meetings are held by teleconference and in-person when possible.
As a national voice for the specialty of mental health nursing, the CFMHN prides itself in delivering on the goals set by the membership with national specialty certification; national standards of practice, and national core competencies as key achievements. Join us and become part of the voice.
Board of Directors
Executive Committee
Provincial Representatives
(from West to East)