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CFMHN’s national association empowers psychiatric and mental health (PMH) nursing professionals as they pursue positive outcomes for themselves and for clients. The Federation speaks for and acts upon the industry’s shared concerns, uniting the profession, and assuring five broad member benefits:


  1. National Standards of Practice: Input to national standards for Psychiatric and Mental Health ( PMH) Nursing, set, maintained, and regularly updated in co-operation with the Canadian Nurses Association (CNA)

  2. Education: Educational opportunities at regional and national Federation events and at PMH nursing conferences in Canada where members enjoy reduced fees

  3. Webinars: Access to a national webinar series in order to support continuing education.

  4. National Networking: Professional networking opportunities, through the Federation’s meetings, electronic communications , interactive website, and direct contact with other members in the national directory

  5. Recognition Awards: Ability to participate in recognition rewards nationally provided to support awareness in Mental Health.

  6. A Unified Voice: A united voice through the group’s networking with organizations provincially, nationally, and internationally.

  7. Research Opportunities: The opportunity to participate in research projects, and initiatives that support PMH.

Change in RNAO MHNIG Application…

Individuals in Ontario will now join through the CFMHN directly

As of Fall 2023, all individuals joining CFMHN who are based in Ontario, including individuals who previously accessed CFMHN via RNAO MHNIG, must apply through the regular CFMHN Membership application form at the $50 annual rate, here:


The CFMHN Membership and Communications Performance Team is in the process of rebuilding member benefits to better meet the needs of all members from across Canada, including those across Ontario.


Learn more about CFMHN’s Membership Benefits at

Become a Member!

If the embedded application form below is not displaying for you, please click the button below.

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