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Position Statements

CFMHN 2016 Position Paper


CFMHN 3rd position paper 2016: Mental health and addiction curriculum in undergraduate nursing education in Canada

Kent-Wilkinson, A., Blaney, L., Groening, M., Santa Mina, E., Rodrigue, C., & Hust, C. (2016). CFMHN’s 3rd position paper 2016: Mental health and addiction curriculum in undergraduate nursing education in Canada. Prepared by members of the Canadian Federation of Mental Health Nurses’ Education Committee. Toronto, ON: CFMHN.


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CFMHN 2016 Position Statement

CFMHN’s 3rd position statement 2016: Mental health and addiction curriculum in undergraduate nursing education in Canada

Canadian Federation of Mental Health Nurses. (2016). CFMHN’s 3rd position statement 2016: Mental health and addiction curriculum in undergraduate nursing education in Canada.Prepared by members of the CFMHN Education Committee: A. Kent-Wilkinson, L. Blaney, M. Groening, E. Santa Mina, C. Rodrigue, & C. Hust. Toronto, ON: Author. Retrieved from

CFMHN-FCIISM 3e énoncé de position 2016: L’enseignment de la santé mentale et des toxicomanies dans les programmes de sciences infimières de premier cycle au Canada

Fédération canadienne des infirmières et infirmiers en santé mentale du Canada. (2016). CFMHN’s 3rd position statement 2016: Mental health and addiction curriculum in undergraduate nursing education in Canada [CFMHN-FCIISM 3e énoncé de position 2016: L’enseignment de la santé mentale et des toxicomanies dans les programmes de sciences infimières de premier cycle au Canada]. Préparé par les membres du comité de l’éducation du CFMHN-FCIISM: A. Kent Wilkinson, L. Blaney, M. Groening, E. Santa Mina, C. Rodrigue, & C. Hust. Toronto, ON: Auteur.


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Position Papers, Statements, Competencies

Competencies & Resources

RNAO 2017 Educator Resource for Mental Health and Addiction

RNAO 2017 Educator Resource for Mental Health and Addiction

Registered Nurses Association of Ontario. (2017). RNAO Nurse educator mental health and addiction resource: Integrating mental health and addiction into the undergraduate nursing curriculum. Toronto, ON: Author. Retrieved from

Contributors: Many CFMHN members and CASN mental health interest group members across Canada.


CASN/CFMHN 2015 Competencies

Entry-to-practice mental health and addiction competencies for undergraduate nursing education in Canada

Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing & Canadian Federation of Mental Health Nurses. (2015). Entry-to-practice mental health and addiction competencies for undergraduate nursing education. Ottawa, ON: Author. Retrieved from

CASN/CFMHN 2015 Competencies


Access Forum report (English and French versions) from the Mental Health Table Forum

In October 2010, the Mental Health Table Forum hosted 80 delegates including health care providers, government representatives, consumers of mental health care, as well as organizations representing consumers and providers of care and other NGOs. The purpose of this meeting was to explore issues and perspectives relevant to advancing mental health promotion and front line mental health care delivery in Canada.

Final report: Which Doors Lead to Where? How to Enhance Access to Mental Health Service: Barriers, Facilitators and Opportunities for Canadians’ Mental Health.

Mental Health Table Report Cover Letter -PDF

Mental Health 2011 Report English -PDF

Mental Health 2011 Report French -PDF

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