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CFMHN 2023 Annual General Meeting
Monday, October 16, 2023
7pm EST
Influence the future direction of the CFMHN!
Pease mark your calendars for the 2023 National CFMHN Annual general Meeting. It will take place via Zoom Meeting Platform on Monday, October 16, 2023 at 7PM Eastern standard time. All Members of the CFMHN are invited to attend and participate. Each Member gets one vote.

Call for Nominations
Open Board Leadership Positions for 2024
Open CFMHN Board Director and Officer positions:
2 years, commencing October 16, 2023.​​
Important info:
The President-Elect is then appointed as President each year at the AGM for a two - one year terms.
The Treasurer and Secretary have the opportunity to run for an additional 2 years.
Open CFMHN elected Director positions:
New Brunswick
British Columbia
Northwest Territories
2 years, commencing October 16, 2023, with opportunity to run for an additional 2 years.
Directors shall:
i) be an individual who is not less than eighteen years of age;
ii) be a Member of the Federation for a minimum of two (2) years as a member in good
iii) except Directors appointed pursuant to CFMHN bylaws section 5.06, shall be a Member of the Federation;
iv) not be an employee or representative of a company whose primary business involves the development, manufacture and sole distribution of products or services deemed in conflict with the work of the Federation ;
v) not be a contractor of the Federation; or
vi) not be a person who has been found by a court in Canada or elsewhere to be mentally incompetent, who has the status of a bankrupt, or who is an “ineligible individual” as defined in the Income Tax Act.