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25th Canadian Collaborative Mental Health Care Conference Call for Abstracts is Now Open!

The 25th Canadian Collaborative Mental Health Care Conference will take place in-person

in Ottawa, Ontario on June 13-14, 2024.

This year our main conference theme is “Innovation to Impact: Scaling Up Collaborative

Care”. The theme reflects the evolution of the collaborative care movement over the past 25 years from a collection of mostly local, grassroots initiatives to a large-scale movement that now mobilizes a diverse range of partners locally, provincially, nationally, and internationally. The theme also recognizes the important work that remains to be done to spread and scale collaborative care to ensure that its benefits reach the greatest number of people possible. At this year’s conference, we will acknowledge some important milestones along this journey but also look forward and deliberate on the actions needed to make collaborative care a more integral part of the fabric of our health systems.

Whether you are a healthcare provider or administrator, researcher, student, Indigenous

person, policymaker, community-based service provider, or person, family member or

caregiver with lived or living experience of mental health and/or substance use challenges,

we invite you to submit an abstract and attend the conference to connect with a diverse

and growing community that strives to remain at the cutting edge of practices and

innovations that improve mental health and well-being in Canada and abroad.

Abstract submissions deadline:

Wednesday, February 7, 2024 (11:30pm EST)

Further details about the conference, including registration and program details

will be confirmed over the coming months.

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